I know this is not the typical kind of post that you see here on my page, but I thought why not kick start the first working day of the year by telling you all about my resolutions for 2021, and manifesting them as I write here?
On the edge of my 31 years old, I think I grew a little wiser not to go crazy on my resolutions for the New Year. It seems so cliché, but I guess I just wanted to make things differently this year and set attainable and simple goals that I can achieve and be proud of myself, rather than frustrated and disappointed with huge complex ones that I can’t.
So let’s begin…
Waking up early (or going back to it)
Before 2020 *happened*, I was such a disciplined person who used to wake up super early, do an intense workout first thing in the AM and then start working and be super productive. With all the sh*t that happened last year, I lost all that. My priority this year is to, first of all, regain my discipline and productivity. From past experience, I KNOW waking up earlier is the way to go.
Did I set up my alarm clock for 6am today? No! I knew that this much of a sudden change wouldn’t be attainable. So, I’m waking up at 7am instead of my 2020 8:30am and following a routine schedule I’m elaborating the day before.
Getting a workout in every day
I know that this one is not for everyone. If you don’t workout with frequency already, be gentle on yourself and set you up for success by having a more attainable workout goal. I was already working out 5-6x a week, so a little Melissa Wood workout once a day every day won’t be impossible.
Journaling and meditating more
I don’t know how about you guys, but I was one of those people that buy a journal and write in it for the next 3 days and then forget it exists. My goal this year is to practise way more mindfulness than I did last year. Whenever I journal and meditate, I feel an immediate change in the way I feel throughout the day, so why not try to do it at least 5-4x a week?
This was one of the things that I would always find excuses not to do because of time constraints. But now that I’m waking up earlier, I can definitely make some time to fit in a 10 min meditation + 10 min journal time.
Being more organized and procrastinating less
Not only do I have the blog/Instagram/Tiktok to create content to post on, but I also need to run my jewelry business and my online courses and consulting. And even with all that on my plate, I managed to procrastinate SO MUCH in 2020 and leave so many things behind.
My plan in 2020 is to be way more organized with my time and dedicate specific pre-determined hours to each of my activities in order to, hopefully, be more productive and procrastinate less.
Eat healthier
I know that losing weight and being healthier is on the resolution’s list of 99.9% of people when a new year comes. But for me, it won’t be so much about losing weight. It will be about being more mindful about what I eat, but at the same time, feeling less guilty about eating that once-a-week junk food and not going on some crazy diet spiral on the following days. This year, I want to learn how to love my body more and nourish it with the things it needs to love me back.
Write more on the blog
Even with all the time I spent at home in 2020, I still didn’t manage to find the energy to write here on the blog so much. It’s definitely something I want to change this year, especially since writing and blogging are the things that I loved first and are what got me into this career.
Read more books
I can’t think about a moment that I was super busy during the quarantine. But even so, my mental health was so broken last year that I couldn’t even bring myself to read more. So, starting today, I already created more time in the morning (oh the POWER of waking up early…) to read at least 20 pages of a book. This is something I really hope I can keep doing!
Only touch my phone 1h after waking up… and not touch anymore 1h before going to bed
That is by far the hardest one of all my resolutions. I used to wake up and already go straight into my What’s app texts, Instagram and TikTok. And this sh*t is really bad for your mental health! I confess I touched my phone once or twice within my first morning hours, but I’m happy that I could control myself and be aware of it right when I unlocked my phone and managed to put it back right away.
I hope you all can find this post helpful in some way to help you set your goals for 2021. Well, you don’t have to have them, but after all these years of empty goals, I’m feeling so much better having attainable ones, and just guidelines to follow. It’s 9:50 am right now, and I already managed to meditate, journal, have breakfast calmly, work out, take a shower and write a blog post, which is something that never happened in 2020.
What are your resolutions?

What do you think?