What I Eat in a Day – Quarantine Version

Hey guys!

I don’t know why I took so long to write about something you guys ask so much, which is what I eat on a typical day in isolation.

I will also record a video for my channel tomorrow, but I thought I’d also write this post in case you prefer to read instead of watch.

Pinitquarantine diet to maintain weight

7:30-8am: Breakfast

When I’m not doing intermittent fasting (which I try to do 2x a week), I usually have a celery juice first thing in the morning to ‘cleanse’ my system, and follow with breakfast at around 8 am. As someone whose life was changed by Kelly Leveque’s book ‘Body Love’, I strongly believe in having a power meal in the morning to only have something else on lunchtime and avoid snacking.

For that reason, I try to incorporate good fats, fibers, greens, and proteins as much as I can – with minimal amounts of carbs to reduce insulin peaks. So here’s the recipe of my morning green smoothie:

So this basically keeps me full from 8 am to 1 pm, which is when I have lunch. If I work out in the morning, I’d only use 1/2 a scoop of protein powder in the smoothie, so I can have the other half after my workout.

I’ll also OBVIOUSLY have my morning latte right after my smoothie. Sometimes I don’t feel like having milk again, so I just have coffee. When I have my latte, though, I make sure I froth the milk so it’s extra elaborated! Here’s the link to my milk frother.

1 pm: Lunch

For lunch, I always start by filling half of my plate with spinach leaves. I also try to grill some vegetables in the oven 30 mins prior to lunchtime. I usually put some broccoli, onions, and cauliflower in a parchment paper, spray coconut or avocado oil on them and take them to the oven.

Pinitvegetables roasted what i eat in a day

I also try to follow a pescatarian diet 90% of times, so I usually have fish as my protein and prefer salmon because of its healthy fats. So, for my plate…

  • Handful (or more) of baby spinach
  • Oven-roasted broccoli, onions and cauliflower
  • 1 portion of salmon
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut aminos (for the spinach)
  • Nutritional Yeast to taste (I sprinkle it over the salad)

The fats in both the avocado, the salmon and the olive oil will make you feel satisfied for 4-5h, so you don’t have to snack so much. I try to get as much water intake as I can during those hours.

5 pm: Afternoon snack

This is the time I use to make me a little treat! So, most of the days, I’ll make my healthy banana cocoa pancake:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp almond flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder

For the topping, I use 1 tsp of protein powder and mix with just a little bit of water for consistency. I sometimes also top it with blueberries or strawberries.

Pinitbanana pancake what to eat quarantine

8:30 pm: dinner time! 

I love to have some comfort food in the evening. I don’t go too crazy on the carbs or fats, but I just like to cook something hearty. Here’s my favorite (and super quick and practical) dish:

  • Approx. 50g of chickpea or bean pasta (I use Banza’s spaghetti or penne)
  • 1/3 of a Beyond Meat ground beef package
  • onions and garlic to taste
  • Tomato sauce (I use Rao’s Homemade)
  • Handful of Spinach
  • Salt and pepper

I just cook the pasta, and, in the meantime, I sautee the ‘meat’ with the onions and garlic in a pan. When they’re cooked, I’ll add the tomato sauce, salt, and spinach. And voilà! If there’s any vegetable left from lunch, I’ll also add those to my plate.

Pinitplant-based dinner recipe
Pinitpasta dinner healthy vegan plant-based

After dinner, I usually don’t eat anything else for the day! If I feel like snacking, I try and have a ‘sweet’ tea to satisfy my cravings! Rooibos tea really works for me, for example.

So, that was a short one, but I hope you guys could get an idea of what my day to day diet during quarantine is like, and hopefully get some inspiration for yours too!



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What I Eat in a Day – Quarantine Version