Tips To Get the Best out of the Last Supermoon of 2020

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Tomorrow, May 7th, we’ll be experiencing the last supermoon of 2020 (so soon!). With every supermoon, comes a time of looking inside, reflecting about our lives and trying to get closer to our purpose in this life.

The moon transits in each zodiac sign for about 2 and a half days, and, this time, it landed on Scorpio for this supermoon (or flower moon), which brings about a duality between the brightness of a May ‘flower moon’ and the darkness of the Scorpio sign – I’m a Scorpio, so trust me on that.

But not everything about Scorpio is dark. It’s also a sign of powerful transformation, and, this time, it’s allied with an also transformational full moon (time to put a lot of things behind you). You can also expect to feel extra sensitive during this time, since Scopio, like all water signs, are all about emotions.

Although I don’t have a lot of expertise to go on and on about the transformative powers of the supermoon, I have experienced a lot of healing from this moon in the past, and would love to share with you all my rituals and how I prepared for it.

Pinitbeginners guide to healing crystals

Get rid of negative energies

You’ll be feeling extra sensitive during the supermoon. Don’t let any negative energy hanging around in your place. Light up your palo santo or incense and ‘smoke’ your house, leaving the windows open so that all this negative energy can flow and go away.

Cleanse and recharge your crystals

There is nothing better than a supermoon light and energy to cleanse and recharge your crystals. If you can, leave them outside getting the moonlight. If you can’t really put them out, try to find a corner of your house that’s receiving moonlight and just lay your crystals there.

I know we’re all quarantined, but if you live in a house, try and go to your lawn to get some moonlight yourself. You’ll immediately feel the energy.


Meditation is a powerful tool to focus and get yourself aligned with your purpose in this life, and look inside and reflect about all things that are not serving it. Take at least 20 minutes just for yourself and for a deep reflection during this full moon. Then, you’ll be ready to journal it all out on the next step.


I underestimated the power of journaling for a long time in my life. But I could only start experiencing true healing when I began putting my emotions on the paper and seeing them in front of me. It seems like such a small thing to do, but trust me about its power.

For this supermoon, try and write down the person you aim to grow into, and all the actions you need to start doing achieve this. Also, write down all the habits and people who don’t serve that purpose or that are simply toxic.

After writing everything down, rip off the paper where you wrote the things you want to leave behind and burn it. If you’re like me and live in a tiny NYC apartment with a crazy fire alarm, just tear the paper in pieces. It’s a small symbolic gesture, but very powerful too.


Hope you guys liked this short post and that you all achieve some big healing this supermoon. We all need it!



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Tips To Get the Best out of the Last Supermoon of 2020